My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Monday, July 14, 2008

I lost a friend today!

No one likes to receive or give bad news, but as sure as we live, sadness will come into our lives on numerous occassions. Another of my far too young friends passed away yesterday because she probably wasn't treated properly or soon enough for Pancreatitis. It is too common of a story! Pancreatitis is deadly!

She called me on Wednesday to tell me that she was in the hospital awaiting news about an upcoming surgery to remove her gallbladder. That's a simple enough procedure for a healthy person, but with her complications, it was just too much for her sick little body to fight back -- and now she is gone. She went into complete system failure and the family made the most difficult of decisions yesterday to take her off of life support.

I will miss her terribly. We have been friends for only a few short years, but she touched my life so incredibly deeply. I shall ever be grateful that our paths crossed and that we could share such an amazing friendship.

Good-bye, dearest friend, Verna Starr. Shine brightly wherever you are! I will keep the memory of you and our friendship with me forever -- and we shall meet again!


Heather said...

I'm so sorry mom - no matter what the circumstances, losing a friend or loved one is never easy. Those of us left behind have to learn to live our every day lives without that person in it - and it takes so long for the hurt to go away - not that you haven't dealt with loss, I'm just not sure it ever gets easier!
I love you!

Aubrey Messick said...

I love you too Grandma! Our Heavenly Father must have needed your dear sweet friend more on the other side than He did here. How happy to know that someday you will meet again!

Aubrey Messick said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news. Loss is so hard. And sickness is never an easy thing to deal with either. I hope she wasn't in too much pain. Now she will feel better and whole!
Love you much!