My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Monday, September 15, 2008

9/11 Concert -- A Huge Success!

I wish everyone could have been at our Concert Thursday night! There were NO dry eyes in the place, including the participants. We opened the concert with a beautiful rendition of "Hymn to the Savior" by Edward Kremser. Prior to the singing, our most able and humble conductor (and the composer of the 9/11 Requiem), Dr. Robert Herman, read from my poem "After the Dust Has Settled," which I wrote on the eve of 9/11/2001. He did a magnificent job of creating the feeling that I felt on that awful day. I have never heard it read with so much emotion!

We then presented Dr. Herman's work, "Requiem 9-11" and though it was sung entirely in Latin, the meaning and understanding of the emotion of the piece came through loud and clear. It was a most moving experience. After the Requiem, we paused for a moment of silence to remember all those who lost their lives on that day seven years ago and those who have given their lives for the cause of Freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq. We closed with another Robert Herman piece, "Christ is our Light."

After the performance, the choir filed out to greet the audience as they left. The looks on their faces told the story of what they were feeling. And then I saw my son, tall and magnificent, with tears streaming down his cheeks, walking out of the hall and I ran to hug him! Billy had driven 2 1/2 hours to come and see us perform in this concert and I was overjoyed to see him. We all caught our breath, greeted some more friends and then walked out of the building to see two spotlights facing skyward, side by side, just as they did in N.Y.C. all those long years ago to light the area of the missing twin towers. More tears flowed.

Do I need to tell you that this was a successful concert? I think you get the picture! I will long remember this day.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing another enjoyable journey. It must have been awesome to have had the privilege of participating in the Requiem. BTW, thank you for sending the poems--and yes, I would like more! Your talents amaze me. Keep it up...

Heather said...

MOM - I wish we could have been there for that! Maybe next year we'll plan ahead so that we can be there as well. I'm so touched that Billy came and showed some raw emotion.
I love you all!

Kim Messick said...

So grateful that Billy could share in this event with you! Sounds just amazing!
Love you,