My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Count down to Thanksgiving...

Just 8 days to Thanksgiving! This is the time of the year when we all reflect on the goodness of our Heavenly Father and the multitude of blessings that have come our way during the past year and throughout our lifetime! It officially opens my favorite season of the year. When I start numbering my blessings, I forget that there is chaos in the world and even immediately around me and my focus turns to higher things.

I am so very grateful for my Savior and His never-ending love for us, his brothers and sisters. He truly is our "Keeper" and watches diligently over us. It is His spirit and love that will see us through these tough times. We just have to do our part and never forget to stay strong and endure clear to the very end.

I am grateful for the restoration of His gospel on this earth and for our beloved Prophet Joseph Smith, who was solely instrumental in providing the process by which this great restoration could be accomplished. I am grateful for the powers that made it possible for Joseph to be able to translate and publish the greatest literary work man has ever known, The Book of Mormon, through great trials brought on through our enemy, Satan.

I am grateful for the leadership of the Church today, who guide us through their kind, loving words to keep us informed and on the straight and narrow path that will eventually lead us to Eternal Life. It is an honor and privilege to be so blessed to be a member of this amazing Church!

I am grateful for parents who lived what they taught and guided their 4 children through life and showed us the way that we should go. I am grateful for my Ancestors who were so diligent in their sacrifices to stay focused on the path that was initiated by Joseph Smith and carried out by Brigham Young and on down through the ages by our chosen Prophets. I am grateful for my Siblings, Darell, Christine, Patricia for their love and encouragement through tough times and their lives that have truly blessed my own.

I am grateful that I have been blessed with 2 wonderful men who have loved me (in spite of myself) and encouraged me to be the best person I can possibly be even though sometimes my rebelious spirit was not ready to listen to their counsel. I am grateful for my 6 children who continue to bless my life and amaze me in the process! I could not have chosen any more wonderful children to be associated with than these! I love and am grateful for my 14 grandchildren and my 5 step-grandchildren that bring such amazing joy into my life. Each and every one of them blesses my life in their own individual ways. I cannot think of any one of them without tears streaming down my cheeks! And, how wonderful to be blessed by the coming into this world of my very first great-grandson, Dallen, who brings joy into my life through pictures and updates from his mom, Jacki, every day that I live.

I am grateful for good health and a good home and even (yes, it's true) trials that come our way every day!

My life is truly blessed. I will ever be grateful to the first Pilgrims who celebrated that first Thanksgiving all those years ago, being grateful for a good harvest and being able to share it with the native peoples of this land. We live in an amazing land and my prayer is that it will continue to be just that. God bless us all and God bless America!


Heather said...

Loved your entry mom. And your background made me hungry, think I'll go have some fruit!! :)
I love you too!!

Kim Messick said...

That was a wonderful testimony and blog about being grateful for all of our blessings. I too am grateful to be able to celebrate this Thanksgiving with my family and remember all of our blessings! In my history class this quarter we learned about the real Thanksgiving and the Puritans and it was such a pretty picture. But then again my professor is an agnostic! So I'm with you and I will celebrate the blessings and freedoms that I enjoy because of the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminders of this time of year. My best memories of Thanksgiving still linger around the days of Santa Monica, and then raising my own four children in Utah. Now I'm at the point of still enjoying the food--but we eat out at the best buffet in town!