When did this beautiful baby become an amazingly beautiful woman? Aubrey Dawn Messick won my heart from day one and has been winning hearts ever since.

I watched her grow from that beautiful baby to a precocious child. I watched her grow through the gangly teen years and on into womanhood. I followed her journey through college and her mission to Saskatchewan, Canada. And I watched her blossom just as the beautiful flower arrangements she is so gifted in creating.

I followed her "Mormon Bachelorette" journey with interest and amazement as she found her "forever" soul-mate as that story unfolded.

At long last, the culmination of all of this growing and blossoming and taking the risks on her journey has been wrapped in one glorious package called "the bride!" There are no words left in me to adequately describe my feelings as I watched once again with awe my little Aubrey kneel at the alter of marriage on March 19, 2011 and accept so willingly the new member of our family, Matthew Laidlaw, as her "forever" husband. The tears that welled in my eyes and spilled over to run down my face were tears of joy.

The day was one out of Cinderella's own story. Aubrey found her Prince Charming. They were sealed in the beautiful Temple in Los Angeles, where her mother and father were sealed; and both grand-parents were also sealed there. And though this is news to Aubrey, even her great-grand-parents were sealed there.
They hosted the wedding reception of the century at the Messick home in Laguna Niguel and when all of the festivities were done, Prince Charming rode off with his bride, Princess Aubrey not on a great white steed, but on his big, loud Harley through a sea of sparklers into the night. It was amazing!

Aside from all of the festivities and the joy for the happy couple, I think the most touching part of the evening was to watch our "little" Aubrey dance with her daddy to the tune of "And Aubrey Was Her Name" and to see the tears streaming down Kenny's face. Priceless! That is one vision I will keep with me for a very long time!

God bless the happy couple! I love you Aubrey!
Thank you for coming on this journey with us Mom! That was such a great post! Love you, and love that you have always been a faithful follower of our lives!
So beautiful :) It really was the reception of the century!!
Thank you so much for this beautiful post Grandma. I love you so much. It meant the world to have you and so much of my family there with me in the temple that beautiful day. I wanted to tell you that as I looked into the mirrors of the temple that perfect day with my eternal companion, I felt Grandpa Gerry very close by. :) I love the temple!!!
I was just wondering if your maden name was Sullivan??? I attended Bear Creek Elmentary in Highlands Ranch Co in 5/6 grade. I had a great friendship with an Aubrey Dawn Sullivan who lived in the same neighborhood. I was just curious if you could be her??? If so please email me at callee_smith@yahoo.com!!! Thank you :)
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