My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Setting Goals For Yet Another New Year...

     Well, here I am again, facing an empty page and trying to form some thoughts that will describe what I am feeling.  I look at the phrase, "Happy" New Year, and wonder how many of us are really happy?  And then I think, happiness isn't an accumulation of "things," nor is it achieving some great feat that lifts us up in the eyes of others.  No, happiness is an inner joy that comes from knowing that you are right with the Lord and you are doing all that you can do to make this world a better place. 

     After such an undescribable year that has left me humbled because it could have been my last, it is difficult to look forward without feeling just a little bit apprehensive.  But, we were not made to stand still, so move forward I will, and hopefully I will come even closer to achieving the goals that my Heavenly Father set for me when He sent me to this earth. 

     I spent a few moments looking over the goals that I had set for myself last year, and I feel saddened that I did not accomplish them.  Perhaps they were just a bit too lofty to reach, or perhaps they were just too unreal.  I shall try and do better in the coming 365 days.

     Last year found me disappointed in the government of my country.  And I don't think I am alone.  It is not the same America that I grew up in; and it is not the same one that comforted me through tumultuous experiences in my growing years.  I don't know where that America went.  Perhaps it began its demise as we watched in horror when the Twin Towers fell to the earth and our enemies laughed.  I thought then, that we were coming together stronger as a country, but that has not been the case. 

     Oh, I know there are good Christian believers out there who still hold fast to the Founding Father's plan for a Republic, and we have joined hands on many fronts, trying to protect her.  But, sometimes one just feels helpless in trying to grasp the thread of decency that used to rule this nation and get those in authority over us to see where they are failing us.

     And so, I turn my face heavenward, knowing that the God who really rules this nation is watching us and He knows where we are heading.  I know that He is not happy with what is happening to us, but He knows that it is we who have brought about this demise.  Knowing what I know, and believing in a better world, I will put my trust in the Lord.  He gives me strength to survive, no matter what comes my way.

     I may never achieve all of those lofty goals placed on paper through the years, but the better goal for me this coming year is to get closer to my Creator and learn to trust in Him.  I will strive to build my Faith in the God who created us; Hope in a future day when He will come and save this troubled world; and Charity (the Pure Love of Christ) for my fellow men and women who are working just as hard as I am to find Peace.

     May God bless us, each and every one of us, through the coming days that will combine to make up the New Year, 2013.