We have an election coming up in our Country for the President of the United States, and I must say in my lifetime (and I have voted since the age of 21...some 14 times!) There have been good candidates and there have been some not-so-good candidates. There have been some candidates who seemed to have been made for these times...and they were; and there have been candidates that should never have held the office in the first place.
Makes one sit back and ponder what the fuss is all about. The people will go to the polls and the people will choose their next President. In my lifetime, have not seen the country so divided as to who will be their choice. The prideful and the rich will vote in troves for Sir Donald Trump, while the middle and lower class...those who like their free goodies and don't want to lose them will most likely vote for thr Queen, herself, Hillary Clinton. The vote is pretty well divided nearly 40:40:20%. (The 20% are the rest of us who just aren't willing to "settle" for the lesser of two evils...however, if we don't...she will get the vote!
So, here am I, I says to myself, I'm in a conundrum! Da*^ if I do and Da*^ if I don't. And so I look at history...not just our history but world history and even Biblical and Scriptural history. When a King or ruler in Biblical times followed the Commandments of God and was fair to the people, and when the people in turn were of the same mindset, everything went well.
However, there have come along from time to time some Kings and Rulers whose only objective was the throne and power and the people were made subservient. Their religion was squashed and they paid their allegiance to the King. They were in Slavery, so to speak.
World History has repeated the pattern as well. Henry the VIII of England; Napoleon of France; Caesar of Rome; Hitler of Germany; and the many Communist regimes around the world. I wish I was an Historian, I could have been far more knowledgeable here, but you get the picture.
What we are heading for is what we have bought, paid for and wrapped in a perfect package for all the world to see. Somewhere, some 100 or so years ago, we started a Progressive ball rolling that has been picking up momentum from day one and no one has stopped it. Why do the people want Hillary for President? Because she represents everything they have been spoonfed from diapers on up...Progressivism is the wave of the future and they are told it is good. And these new Millenials have bought it hook line and sinker because they have been careully taught in their schools and Universities across the country.
And why do the rest of them want Donald Trump? Well, it's because he is just a cardboard copy of Ms.Clinton...only he's taller, better looking, funnier at times, and still a Progressive. They are the same. Only, because he is a Billionaire who promises big things, he is different.
And so, we have a choice. We choose a crooked Progressive, a foul-mouthed Billionaire, or one of the other Independents running on their own tickets (which screws things up royally in the end.) Vote for Trump and pray...Vote for Hillary and she is a shoe-in...don't vote, they say that is a vote for Hillary, bur I don't know...maybe yes, maybe no.
My philosophy...Pray for Inspiration; Vote your Conscience; Pray that whoever is selected to be our President for the next four years will not run our country over the cliff. Be Prepared for the worst; Stand Strong in the coming Storms; and never, never give up hope as long as you can still see the sun rise every morning and set every night.