My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Monday, June 7, 2010

"I Wonder Where We'd Be Today..."

I woke up this morning (well, my morning! Actually it was 1:00 pm!) and thought about this day in history--fifty-two years ago today. There is sunshine today, just as there was sunshine on that day and for that I am grateful.

Fifty-two years ago, I married Gerald Vernon Henderson in the Los Angeles Temple. I do not regret that decision. We shared twenty-two years together, raised 5 amazing children, and traveled a very interesting road. I miss him! I will always miss him.

Someone asked me the other day, "Does it get any easier as time passes?" My answer then and now is yes and no. Yes, the festering wound that death leaves on our heart does heal over time. And no, because the yearning to know where we'd be today if he had lived never goes away.

I do have parts of him still with me. I see him in our son Mark's clear blue eyes. I experience him in our daughter, Kim's firmness. I hear his words sometimes come out of the mouth of our daughter, Debi. I see his face mirrored in the face of our daughter, JerriAnne. And I witness his amazing love in the hugs of our daughter, Heather. He left me this legacy and I guard them all with every fiber of my being.

I feel his warmth like a thick, warm blanket wrap around me whenever I am troubled, and I want to just keep it there forever. Every day, in many ways, I feel his closeness and sometimes I ask, "What would Gerry do in this situation?" That keeps me heading in the right direction.

So, today I am wishing "us" a Happy Anniversary. I love you Gerry! I always will.


Bracken and Bracken said...

That brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could have had the opportunity to know my Grandpa Gerry, but I know I'll get the chance someday and that he watches over me and my family until then :)

Heather said...

You summed it up perfectly Mom. The wound is healed, but every so often I will open it up to make sure that I haven't forgotten. Life is such a precious gift and I am so grateful that I had 8 1/2 wonderful years with my Daddy. I too, wonder where I'D be today, what different roads I would have traveled, what different choices I would have made. God had a plan, and I know that I am exactly where I was meant to be at this moment in time. I know my father and my Heavenly Father have together guided me here. Thank yoy for marrying such a wonderful man and bringing me along for the journey. Thank yo for helping to keep his memory alive. I love you.

Kim Messick said...

Thanks for the tears today Mom! That was a sweet post! I miss Dad everyday. I have his box of things in the top of my closet, and every morning when I go in my closet to get dressed - there it is... And everyday I think about something different that I learned from him. He was such a wonderful father to me. I sometimes feel selfish that I got the most time with him of anyone, simply because I'm the oldest child. But I am truly grateful for each and every memory that I have everyday. In my opinion, you two were better together than apart. Happy Anniversary! Love you.
I always will!...
P.S. I love the song you have playing from Celine Dion!!! Great choice!

Aubrey Messick said...

That was such a beautiful post Grandma. I too wish I would've had the chance to meet my Grandpa Gerry but I know someday I will. I love you so much! Happy Anniversary!