My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yes, family, it does snow in Lincoln City...

I know, I know! We live on the coast. But, we also live on the 45th Parallel and it gets mighty cold here in the winter time.

This morning, we woke up to temperatures in the low 30's and white stuff on the ground that wasn't sand. I love it! The thing I love most about it, is that at some point the sun will come out and it will melt and I don't have to shovel it.

Wouldn't Billy have fun on his playground now, when it is all white?

Oh, and we get some mighty big surf in the winter time. Check out these pictures of our November 2nd Surfing Competition, drawing some of the best surfers in the world.

And now the sun will set on another day in Lincoln City. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? I guess we will know in the morning!


Bracken and Bracken said...

Those are some gorgeous photos!!

Kim Messick said...

That is just amazing to me! Incredible and amazing!
God is good isn't he?!