My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Here's Hoping "America Can Be Great Again"...

The election is over...the votes have been counted, and we have a new President Elect!  I must say, this has been the craziest 18 months I can ever remember and I can honestly say I am SO glad it is over.  This is the second Presidential Election that I "sat out" on.  I just could not wrap my head around either candidate.  I am not a Democrat, so it was "Never Hillary" for me (and for many other reasons, as well.)  But, being Democrat was not the key issue with Secretary Clinton!  I voted for JFK, way back when, and he was a Democrat.

The hardest choice for me was Mr. Trump.  He just didn't seem sincere enough for me.  But, he did step up to the Bar and looked and sounded very much like a President last night when he accepted the country's vote of confidence.  I will continue to pray for him.  I will continue to pray he will do the things he has promised to do and make Americans proud of him and make our Country great again. I pray we will be able to see the "Shining City on a Hill" return and with respect. We have far to go.

Let us make our Country a Model of Christian Charity.  Turn in your Bibles to Matt 5:14 and read what Jesus had to say about the shining city.

God bless America...we have far to go.  And President Elect Trump, many Americans will be watching you.

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