My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

What If...

I have this picture on my screen and I smile every morning as I open my computer and this picture smiles back at me.  This morning, as I looked at the smile on Jesus' face, the thought came to me...what if Joseph had fled to another country when he learned of Mary's condition?  What if Mary, given her circumstances in a time when a single, pregnant woman would be stoned and banned, decided to go away somewhere dark and find someone willing to abort her child?  Where would mankind be today?  History would have been changed. forever

What if that little one you are about to abort, the "nothing but tissue" lies others have told you, was destined to be the greatest leader to ever live upon the face of the earth?  What if he or she was destined to be the next  greatest Musician, Poet, Artist, Architect, Philosopher, Teacher, bringer of Peace or Leader of the Free World, or yes, even a Prophet?  I can only imagine what our Country would be like without a George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson,  Abraham Lincoln, Edison, Ford, General Eisenhower, and the list goes on and on and on.  I can only imagine!

The giver of Life made our first parents great promises and a helpful warning...that life in the world would not always be easy.  He gave them the Garden of Eden so they would "remember home."  And then he gave them their proving ground.

Please, those of you who seek to throw precious life away, seek for the "easy path," or think "your lot is hard," raise up your eyes to the Heavens and rejoice for the Angels are watching.

I woke up this morning and it was raining, but still the birds were singing.  I knew the sun was shining somewhere, because there was light in the sky.  My home was warm and full of love because we have been given so much within a world that chooses darkness.  Today, my brain still works...though there are signs that it is slowing down.  My eyes still see, though not as clearly as they used to.  My ears still hear, though dimly.  I am still able to walk across a space without stumbling into a chair or walking into a wall, though my limbs are showing signs of the effects of age.  And I am so grateful that my fingers can still find the correct letters on a keyboard...a memory track set in place when I was but a young teen.  And the thoughts in my head can be transferred through complicated brainwaves to the tips of my fingers.

God is SO good!  Please stop your disrespect of Him.  Give Him the honor and love that He gives to you each and every day.  Together, we can make a beautiful world again.

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