My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

After Thanksgiving "Blahs!"

I don't know if everyone feels like me, but the day after a holiday is always the worst. How many of you actually participated in "Black Friday?" That is the one place I just never want to find myself. I start Christmas planning and shopping in the summer, so by "Black Friday" there really isn't anything I want to fight crowds for! Of course it's different when you have little ones. They are the hardest to buy for.

I have made a decision (once again) to keep Christmas simple and meaningful. Gone are the days when I had little feet waking me up on Christmas morning, so I really enjoy the spiritual side of Christmas more and more every year. I would never want to take away the magic of Christmas (ever) from a little child. Their little faces are so precious when they are all caught up in the magic of the holiday. I think that is why "The Polar Express" is one of my most favorite Christmas movies. I plan to check it out from Blockbusters and watch it again this year. Or, maybe I will add it to our library.

Speaking of movies -- has anyone seen "Australia" yet? (With Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman.) Dean and I loved the movie. It was intense and full of letting go of prejudices and learning to "love one another" set in the midst of World War II in Australia. This one should get some Academy Awards! The music was astounding, also.

Well, good hunting for the Christmas bargains, and I'll return soon with more of the December magic!


Aubrey Messick said...

Hi Grandma! I too stay away from the shopping mall on Black Friday. Not a chance! I can't stand driving around the parking lot looking for a spot for an hour. No thanks!

I'm glad to hear you like Australia. I wanted to see it until I found out it was 2 hours and 45 minutes. My back would NEVER let me sit that long. Maybe I'll wait til it comes to dvd so I watch it in the comfort of my own home!!!

Kim Messick said...

Yea, there's no way I would ever be caught in those malls on Black Friday! I just stay home and listen to Christmas music and chill! Or go to a movie! Good idea...
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving Blahs always lead to Holiday Cheers! Never shop until after the January sales, unless you don't value your life enough in being shot or trampled to death. I myself, am thankful for the protection of the Internet-- hands down!