My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Salt Lake City House

I had a request for a "picture" of the house in Salt Lake City that Gerry and I built way back in 1961. The only picture I have of that house is in my head, so I drew a picture (rough as it is!) to post here. It was sort of a western rendition of a colonial. If you travel anywhere in the Salt Lake or Utah Valleys, you will see a lot of this floor plan. It was very popular in the '60's. I hope you can get an idea of what it looked like, since I don't have a picture. I really feel bad that we didn't take pictures of our first house. I remember blue shutters, but there may not be any shutters -- maybe I just wanted them! I couldn't duplicate the color of the brick, just think of it as the color of golden blonde hair!


Anonymous said...

Awesome Mom! I am going to look through my old pictures and see if I don't have a picture of us in our easter outfits in front of that house!!!

Aubrey Messick said...

Grandma, you're the best! Maybe someday I can go to Salt Lake and try to find the real thing. Love you!