I am going to have to search and search to see if I can find some "Rowland Heights" pictures to add to this posting. When I find them, I will try and put together a little slide show.
We spent 11 years in Rowland Heights. They were years of growth, learning, experiences, ups, downs and everything in between. Finally! We could grow some roots.
Gerry grew by leaps and bounds in his new profession as an Associate Professor at Cal-Poly University in Pomona. Over the years he attained Full Professorship, led the Earth Sciences Department as their Chair for one year, and built lasting memories and friendships with his many bright and promising students. He attracted them! He was like a magnet! All of the best and the brightest wanted to sign up for Professor Henderson's classes! The Dean of the Department got after Gerry for giving out too many "A's" on report cards. Gerry's response? "I can't give a student a lesser grade than they earned. They all do A work!" Still, the Dean was not satisfied. He said, "Surely there must be some of your 'A' students who are not as good as the top 'A' student! Or, perhaps you are not making the course material difficult enough for them!" And still Gerry persisted. His "A" students remained just that. He could not, with a clear conscience give them a lesser grade! Needless to say, Gerry was a popular Professor!
My education came in the form of a great deal of learning in the matter of worldly choices. Some of those years in Rowland Heights were "dark" years for me. Some evil force took over all of my right thinking, the Holy Ghost withdrew for a season, and I learned that when left to our own devices and "worldly" thinking, we make very serious and ugly mistakes. The human side of me won out for a time, with the help from a very cunning tempter called Satan. These were trying times for me, for my children and mostly for my wonderful, strong, steadfast husband who never gave up on me. In the end, the Lord prodded me gently and reminded me that I was still a daughter of God and He would lift me up, but I had to walk a very difficult path for a time. Thanks to Gerry for standing by me, and for the love of my children and my family, that road, though a difficult climb, was easier than I thought it would be. I had moments of agony when I would spend the entire night on my knees inprayer, and I had moments of extacy when I would feel that most amazing peaceful blanket wrap around me and keep me on the right track. Every time I read the story of Alma the Younger, I relate to his feelings. I've experienced them! I had been taught well in my youth and had a strong testimony -- all of these things sustained me!
The other part of my own education included going back to school and earning 2 Nursing degrees. That was an exciting time for me. Again, my husband and children supported my efforts. I gained a strong appreciation for schooling that has never left me.
We started out with 4 children in grade school in Rowland Heights. Actually, Kim was in the 6th grade and went To Alvarado Jr. High School. Mark, Debi and JerriAnne were in Rowland Elementary School in the 5th, 3rd, and 1st grades. All four of them would grow up in Rowland Heights and graduate from Rowland High School. Kim graduated in 1977 (the same year I graduated from Mt. San Antonio College with my Associate Degree), Mark graduated in 1978, Debi graduated in 1980 and JerriAnne graduated in 1982. Those were exciting years for all of us. I learned how to be a mother of teen-agers and they learned that while these were some of the most fun years of their lives, they were also growing (too slow to suit them) into young adulthood and some of that was painful. It is a transition feared by parents, agonizing for the youth, and explosive for their growing bodies. Though I had difficult days, and so did they, there were many lessons to be learned. But, there were amazingly wonderful days, too. And, most of all, I miss those days.
Stay tuned for the writing of the addition of yet another daughter into our home...