My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

More reflections on "My Journey"

Several months ago, while talking about our Salt Lake City adventure, I posted a rather crude drawing of the home we built there. I got a surprise from Debi, who was "cruzing" the neighborhood a few weeks ago. She sent me a picture of the house! So, for those curious folks wanting to see the house "in person" -- here it is! The thing that amazes me is that they still have the same red front door and really, nothing has really changed -- after all these years (built in 1962).

And now, to continue my journey. We lived in the same house in Rowland Heights for 12 years. Gerry's untimely death in 1981 had me re-thinking my life and future. Those were scary times for me. I guess you might say, I didn't trust in the Lord as much as I could have, because I had no idea how I was going to be responsible for 5 children and keep a home and a job and my sanity. I prayed a lot, but still fear took over my whole being. That is when I met Dean. At this time in my life, he was an answer to my prayers.

And so, after selling the house and pulling up stakes yet another time in my "Gypsy" life, little Heather and I moved to Taos, New Mexico. Dean and I were married on the 25th of April, 1982 and proceded to build our first house. We purchased 2 acres on the Mesa (which was about 4 miles north of town), hired a Contractor and began designing our house.
The entire process was a labor of love and it turned out to be a pretty nice home. These pictures are recent ones and a lot of shrubery has grown up where there was none. We welcomed little Billy into our lives while we still owned this house.
However, we had taken a year and yet another move to go to Raton, New Mexico, where Billy was actually born. That move didn't last long, and we were fortunate to be able to move back into our home in Taos.

Being a Taoseno was a whole new experience for both Heather and I. We both grew in ways that cannot be explained, and yet it was a difficult struggle, too. I shall continue this journey at another writing.


Bracken and Bracken said...

so awesome! that house actually reminds me of a house that Mark's grandparents used to live in here in AZ.

Heather said...

The memories that that house brings back! I almost didn't recognize it with the trees and bushes so big! Thanks for the latest chapters in your story mom, I love reading it!

Kim Messick said...

I am so excited to see that house again! It has SO many memories for me!!! I remember walking to kindergarten with Laurie Maxwell like it was yesterday! And I remember sleeping in that basement on bunkbeds with someone! Who? That was when we heard Santa on the roof one Christmas!!!! OH, I could go on and on... Thanks for posting that! I love that house! Good memories...
Love you,

Aubrey Messick said...

How fun to see the homes you've lived in. What fun memories for you and all your kids! Love you Grandma!