My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Monday, June 29, 2009

OK...Here's the answers you've been waiting for...

I know you've all been waiting "with baited breath" for the answers to who's who in the Willow Tree Collection. Well, here is what I picked. I gave each one a great deal of thought because not only did I have to consider their individual poses, but also their titles. Each one of you could have qualified for any one of the titles, and that's no lie! But, there was just something about the individual ones that I thought were so fitting to that particular child of mine!

Kim, you hit the nail on the head with Mark! How could I not give him the "Inquisitive Child" title. We all remember how he was always "tinkering" with things to see how they worked! As for your guess on yourself -- yes, definitely "kind", but I felt "Thoughtful" was the best title for you, and besides I loved the demure pose of that particular one. She is so "Kim!"

Jacki, thank you for your guesses. You got it right with Billy as the Imaginative child! He certainly lives up to that title and always has been able to use his mind and imagination to create some extremely interesting music. I like your title, "Joyful" for your mom, and she certainly is that, but still I liked "thoughtful."

Heather, you also got Billy right. I guess we all know him pretty well. I agree that Kim is definitely a spiritual child, but I guess I know your beautiful spirit that lives inside you the best and so that is why I gave you that title. I also agree that JerriAnne is an extremely thoughtful child, but "kindness" hit me right between the eyes when I saw that girl holding that cat! That is JerriAnne! Yes, Debi is also kind, but she is a most "joyful" child and I loved the "tomboy" look of that particular statue. Hmmm -- Mark, joyful? I guess he is, for the most part and heaven knows he never complains, but "inquisitive" fits him the best.

There you have it. You are free to agree or disagree -- that is the beauty of indivual thinking. For me? I don't think I am going to change a thing. I love looking at my little collection and seeing each one of you mirrored in their "non-faces!" I love my Willow Tree!


Kim Messick said...

Yes! You're right! Of course I knew that Mark was that "Inquisitive" boy - and for sure that is JerriAnne, she is so "Kind" and holding Boo! Debi IS "Joyful" and Heather can be "Spiritual". Billy is for sure "Imaginative" and I guess I like to be "Thoughtful" but I can be happy in jeans too...
That is pretty cool that you and Debi got them all right the first time! Awesome!

Heather said...

I guess I'm flattered that I am your "Spritual" one...even though I'm not sure the rest of my family would necessarily agree =) I'm grateful that you appreciate my "Sprit" you Mom!