My life is a journey...I never know who or what I will meet just around the next bend that will give my life experience!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Time to Pray, Vote, and Pray!

I have made my choice! It doesn't really matter who you choose for yourself to vote for -- but it does matter that you vote! We have two months to watch, listen, pray and then decide. I pray that the entire country will prayerfully and carefully choose who will be our next Commander in Chief. And, not only that, we need to choose wisely those who will serve in Congress and the Senate.

Voting for our leaders is a privilege that we enjoy in this country. Few countries share that freedom. We should pray for them, too!

Dean and I wear T-Shirts that say "PRAY" and underneath the Scripture reference: 2 Chronicles 7:14; "VOTE" and underneath a quote by Edmund Burke, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing!"; and finally, "PRAY" and underneath the Scripture reference: 1 Timothy 2:2. I looked up those scriptures and the first one refers to praying for our country to be healed. The second scripture refers to praying for our leaders to lead us in all "godliness and honesty!" It is so important that we do just this!

God bless you all, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom! I SO agree! And if you live in California - PLEASE join us in prayer and vote YES on Prop. 8 to help save the sanctity of marriage and the foundation of our society!!!

Heather said...

I love my awesome MOM! You and Dean Rock! I wish I had that T-shirt, I'd wear it out!
Gotta love ya!

Anonymous said...

You put into excellence such deep understanding of important things. I look forward to reading all that you write on here!
Yes, we do need a lot of healing again. I think about Pres. Ford and the good he did in the short term he served back in the '70's when it was such a mess. Let's just pray we'll have another chance to be healed again.